Sunday, 30 July 2017

Geoff F's Arncliffe & Middle House

The A walkers met today at the northern end of Brootes Lane, Arncliffe BD23 5QD, grid reference SD 930 719 at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 10.4 miles and 1,487 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. There were 18 people on the walk.

It was warm with little wind, and was dry apart from one shower. It was good underfoot.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Philip's Trigs of Kinder

The A walkers met today at the National Park car park, Edale S33 7ZQ grid reference SK 124 853 at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 13.0 miles and 2,704 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. (Most of the group took a slightly longer route back.) There were 18 people on the walk.

It was warm with light wind, and dry except for a heavy shower. It was very rough underfoot.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Stephen's Stone the Crows

The A walkers met today at the Yorkshire Water car park, just south of the Flouch roundabout, A616 S36 4HH, grid reference SE 201 012 at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 10.9 miles and 1,393 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. There were 20 people on the walk.

It was warm and dry with cooling breeze, and good under foot, apart from a few boggy patches.