Sunday, 11 November 2018

Janet's We Will Remember Them

The A walkers met today at the main car park at Denby Dale War Memorial, A636 HD8 8RP, grid reference SE 228 085 at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 10.9 miles and 1,299 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. There were 34 people at the walk.

It was mostly dry, but muddy under foot.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Adrian & Janice's Jerusalem

The A walkers met today at the main car park at Ogen Water, Halifax, Ogden Lane HX7 5SE, grid reference SE 232 105 at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 10.3 miles and 1,971 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. There were 37 people at the walk.

It was dry day, but muddy in places.