Sunday, 18 August 2019

Geoff I's Standing Room Only

The A walkers met today at Hebden Bridge Railway Station HX7 6JE, grid reference SD 821 650, at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 10.1 miles and 1,727 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. There were 9 people on the walk.

It was a warm day with light wind and just a little drizzle. It was mostly good underfoot.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Susan's Lovely Heptonstall

The A walkers met today at the Heptonstall Bowling Club, Acres Lane HX7 7LT, grid reference SD 987 277, at 10 am. The distance and ascent of the walk were 12.3 miles and 2,403 feet, according to ViewRanger on a Moto X Play. There were 37 people on the walk.

It was warm and dry with very little wind, and was rough underfoot in places.