Monday 9 November 2015

Walk Statistics

This post presents some statistics for our walks over the past two years.

The scatter graph below shows the number of walkers (vertical axis) versus the travelling distance in miles by car from Huddersfield Railway Station (horizontal axis):

On average, we lost 3 walkers for every additional 10 miles of travelling distance. On average, we lost 1.5 walkers if the walk was graded S rather than M. However, S walks are on average 3 miles further away than M walks, so we would expect to lose an average of 1 walker from this cause alone. The grade of the walk did not, in itself, significantly affect the turnout.

The histogram below shows the number of walks within successive intervals of feet of climb, for walks graded both M and S:

(Walks graded M/S have been counted as S.) S walks were on average 1 mile longer than M walks with an extra 500 feet of climb. One of our M walks had 2,761 feet of climb, and one of our S walks (M/S in the programme) had 1,345 feet of climb.

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